Welcome to Capitol Technology University!!! We are ecstatic that you have decided to become a part of our campus community. As you prepare to start your academic journey please read below to ensure you have a smooth start. As always please do not hesitate to reach out to your Admissions Counselor with any questions or concerns.




Save the Date: Orientation!

Fall 2025 Orientation

Fall on-campus orientation will begin on Friday, August 29, 2025

If you are an on-campus and/or residential student you should plan to attend the on-campus orientation on Friday, August 23.

Fall virtual orientation will begin on Friday, August 22, 2025

The goal of orientation is to introduce new students to campus life, meet other staff, connect with peers, and have continued support from the Orientation Leaders. If you have any further questions or concerns pertaining to Fall Orientation, contact the Office of Student Life at 240-965-2491 or studentlife@captechu.edu.

Innovators Hall

Capitol Technology University provides a residential community that enables all full-time undergraduates and graduate students to experience the University as live-in students outside the classroom. It is a first come basis in correlation without the housing application process Capitol’s residential option comprises 1 multicultural facility.

Innovators Hall houses approximately 220 residential students, one Assistant Director (live-in), and 3-4 Resident Assistants. 

The college offers distinct room types such as 2A (2 per apt), 4A (4 per apt), 5A (5 per apt), 8A (8 per apt). Each apartment includes a combined living, dining, and kitchen area, fully furnished with an electronic range, oven, dishwasher, refrigerator/freezer, garbage disposal, air conditioning with individual climate control, cable TV, wired and wireless internet access, and 4-6 monthly building events for building a sense of community.

The housing license will be emailed to you in the upcoming weeks and will have the updated rates for the 24-25 academic year. The housing application, housing license, and housing application fee and deposit must be paid to guarantee housing.  

To apply for university housing for the first time, complete this form and submit $200 room reservation fee to the Business Office. You may contact the Business Office at businessoffice@captechu.edu and 301-369-2319 to make your payment and please specify it is for housing. You may also pay via PayPal? Here is the link - Click here. This will allow you to make a payment outside of work hours etc. Please remember to notate the students identity when issuing payment.

Individuals with a housing application, signed housing license, and $200 room reservation on file by June 1st will be guaranteed housing for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. Applications or payments received after June 1 cannot be guaranteed for Fall housing and may be wait-listed. Please review the Housing License for information about the deposit refund schedule which will be emailed to you at a later date.

Click here to take a virtual tour of Innovators Hall

Innovators Hall Housing Documents

2025-2026 Housing Application - to be updated.

Innovators Hall Supporting Documents
Should you have any questions, please reach out to ResidenceLife@captechu.edu


Save the Date: Move In!

New Student Move In

Fall: Thursday, August 28, 2025

Sign up link will be provided at a later date.



Parking permits are provided to all matriculating students at Capitol Technology University. Vehicle registration will open the second week of classes. Information available within The Office of Student Life (C264).

What is Right Start Planning?

An event that allows you to complete your Math and/or English Placement exams and meet with an academic advisor/department chair and financial aid, and register for your fall schedule! You should allow about 1.5 hours per placement exam (3 hours for both).



Right Start Planning Sign Up

Fall 2025 Right Start Planning Day Sign Up

Save the date!

Saturday,  June 28 - Campus
Wednesday, July 16 - Campus
Saturday, July 26 - Virtual
Friday, August 1 - Campus
Wednesday, August 6 - Virtual


Accuplacer Preparation

Accuplacer has provided all students with the opportunity to study and review testing materials. To see the practice questions and prepare for testing click on the following link for additional details: https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/students . Please keep in mind we administer these exams to assist in ensuring you are placed in courses that meet your academic level and that will set you up for success.


Math and English Placement

Math Placement

There are four different math course you may place into based on your Accuplacer score: MA 005 – Basic Mathematics (3-credits and pass/fail), MA 112 – Intermediate Algebra (3-credits), MA 114- Algebra and Trigonometry (4-credits), or MA 261 – Calculus 1 (4-credits). Each of these courses are prerequisites for one another, meaning they must be taken in this order. Each program of study starts with a different math course.

What does that mean for you? It can mean two things. (1) if your program begins with MA 261 but you place into MA 114, then you must take MA 114 before you can take MA 261. (2) if your program begins with MA 112 but you place into MA 114, then you can replace MA 112 with another math elective.


English Placement

There are three English courses you may place into based on your Accuplacer score: EN 001 – Basic Writing (3-credits and pass/fail), ENI 101- English Communication I Intensive (3-credits) also include a secondary English Communications Lab for additional support, and EN 101- English Communication I (3-credits).

What does that mean for you? It can mean two things. (1) successful completion (70% or higher) of EN 001 will allow you to register for EN 101 English Communication I in the next semester and then EN 102- English Communications II in the following semester. (2) successful completion (70% or higher) of ENI 101 or EN 101 will allow you to register for EN 102- English Communication II in the next semester.


Course Registration

Each new student will meet with the academic advising team to register for their fall schedule. All new students will register for courses that do not have days and times posted. The schedule, including days and times, will be released to them in August.


Email and MyCapitol Credentials

After you have submitted the new and readmitted student registration form you will receive an email from relay@captechu.edu sharing information on how to access to your @captechu.edu email account and gain access to the MyCapitol portal as a Cap Tech U student. If you have not received this email within 1-week of submitting your registration, please email advisor@captechu.edu