• Capitol Technology University commencement is conducted once every spring on the main campus in Laurel.
  • Any Capitol student who is completing their degree requirements in the current academic year can apply for graduation.
  • Commencement is held outdoors, rain or shine, under a large tent.
  • There is no maximum number of guests a student is able to invite to the commencement ceremony, and we do not issue tickets. If the number of guests supplied on your application for graduation changes, please notify the Office of Registration and Records as soon as possible.
  • Due to limited space in the Avrum Gudelsky Auditorium, there is a limit of 3 guests for the Doctoral Hooding Ceremony.
  • Ordering of Caps and Gowns will open in February 2025. We will send out a notice to all when the ordering website is ready.
  • Since this page contains plenty of information, it may be easier to use Ctrl + F to search this page for the particular topic(s) you need.

Conferral of Degrees and Diploma Distribution

The university confers degrees three times each year:

  • Summer degrees are conferred in late August.
  • Fall degrees are conferred in late December.
  • Spring degrees are conferred to coincide with the Spring university commencement ceremony.

ALL diplomas will be mailed. Diplomas for conferred students with no holds on their accounts from the Business Office and/or Financial Aid will typically be shipped within 8 weeks of the end of the semester for summer and fall graduates and within 8 weeks of commencement for spring graduates. Please inform the Office of Registration and Records of any changes to your diploma mailing address as soon as possible.

Important: Student account balances (including graduation fees) must be paid and all financial aid obligations must be met before diplomas will be released for shipping.

Application for Graduation

It is recommended that you apply for graduation no later than one semester before your expected graduation date.

Once your application has been received by the Office of Registration and Records, we will complete an official degree audit indicating the classes still needed in order to graduate. A student will only be considered a degree candidate when the audit is complete. If you change your plans for graduation, please notify the Office of Registration and Records in writing as soon as possible.

2025 Application Deadlines

  • January 6 for spring and summer graduates
  • August 31 for fall graduates

Are you ready to apply?

It is strongly recommended that you apply for graduation once you meet the following criteria:

  • Associate: Upon earning 45+ credits. Apply Here
  • Bachelor: Upon earning 90+ credits. Apply Here
  • Master: Upon earning 24+ credits. Apply Here
  • Doctoral: Required prior to requesting to defend your dissertation. Apply Here

PLEASE NOTE: You must be logged in to MyCapitol to complete the application form.

After applying for graduation, you must satisfy the following requirements in order to graduate:

  1. Complete your degree. All graduates must successfully complete the course requirements of their chosen degree. Refer to the course catalog from your entry year for degree requirements and other academic obligations.
    1. Undergraduate and Master's Graduates: December graduates are invited to participate in the spring commencement ceremony following their term of completion. Students planning to complete all degree requirements by the end of the summer semester are permitted to take part in spring commencement ceremonies as degree candidates. If a student is not enrolled by April 15 for all their remaining courses, permission to participate in the ceremony as a degree candidate will not be granted.
    2. Doctoral Graduates: Students must complete all degree requirements in order to participate in the commencement ceremony. Graduates completing their degree requirements in August or December are invited to participate in the commencement ceremony the following spring.
  2. Pay the Graduation Fee.
    1. You must pay your graduation fee before you can receive your diploma. The graduation fee is mandatory, non-refundable, one-time (per degree) fee for all graduating students regardless of the student's participation in the commencement ceremony.
      • Associate's Degree: $75
      • Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Degree: $150
      • Double Bachelor's Degree: $225
    2. You may pay your fee online, by phone, or in person.
      • Online (credit cards only): Follow the Online Payment Instructions with Portal Login Help.pdf
      • Over the Phone (credit cards only): Call the Manager of Student Accounts at 301-369-2318 or 301-369-2319
      • In Person at the Business Office (cash, personal checks, money orders, and credit cards)
  3. Settle your financial accounts. Before receiving a diploma, each student must fulfill all financial responsibilities. Contact the offices below before applying for graduation to ensure that you have no outstanding obligations to the university:
    • Business Office: businessoffice@CapTechU.edu, 301-369-2319, or 301-369-2318
    • Financial Aid: finaid@CapTechU.edu, 301-369-2324, or 301-369-2320
    • Residence Life: residencelife@CapTechU.edu or 240-965-2493
  4. Order your regalia.
    1. All participants will order regalia to take part in commencement.
    2. Regalia consists of your cap, gown, hood, tassel, and any honor cords.
    3. Honor cords will be distributed at check-in on commencement morning.
    4. Undergraduate and master’s students will purchase their regalia, and doctoral students have the option to either rent or purchase their own regalia. Check back here in February when ordering opens.
    5. It is recommended to order regalia at least six weeks prior to commencement. All custom doctoral regalia sales are final.
  5. Complete the online exit interview with Financial Aid (financial aid recipients only).
  6. Complete Residence Life expectations (Residence Life students only).
  7. Complete your Graduating Student Survey:

Failure to complete these requirements will exclude you from participating in the graduation ceremony.


Classic Photography provides individual portraits of each graduate receiving their diploma. Ordering options will be available on the Classic photography website.

Click "Graduations" and then click "Order Pictures" and find Capitol Technology University in the drop down menu. You can reach Classic customer service at 800-869-9515 x112.

Spring 2024 candid photos from commencement are available on Capitol's Facebook page.

Diploma Frames

Herff Jones will offer diploma frames bearing the university seal. Please be mindful when selecting your product(s) that all diplomas are 11"X 14" in landscape orientation. Ordering opens in February.

Graduation Announcements

Students interested in purchasing announcements should visit Jostens. On the homepage, click on "Shop Products at my School/Group" and search for Capitol Technology University, then select "Graduation Announcements" and follow the instructions for ordering. Announcements are available in a variety of packages and take three weeks to process.

Commencement Program Book

Be sure to pick up a Commencement Program for you and your family from the tables near the ceremony tent.

Capitol Tech Spirit Wear

Our Spirit Wear Store will be on-site at graduation for graduates and their families who are interested in purchasing gifts and memorabilia for this special day of celebration. Please visit the tables under the breezeway at the front of the university. Spirit Wear can also be ordered online for home delivery.

Decorate for your big day with our free graduation printables!

Download and print graduation posters, yard signs, and social media graphics to share your success with friends and family: Spring 2025 Commencement Print & Digital Assets.zip (dropbox.com)

Commencement Events Schedule

Friday, May 2, 2025

Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, Avrum Gudelsky Auditorium

  • Check In: 3:00 p.m. at the Library. Please bring your regalia.
  • Doctoral Hooding Ceremony: 4:00 p.m. Due to available space in the Auditorium, a maximum of 3 guests is allowed.

Graduating Student & Alumni Reception (for All Graduates and Alumni), McGowan Academic Center

  • 5:30 p.m. Bring your guests and join your classmates, faculty, staff, and fellow alumni for refreshments, fun, and conversation in celebration of your distinct and well-deserved accomplishments.
Saturday, May 3, 2025

Commencement Ceremony for All Graduates

  • Check In: 8:00 a.m. It is imperative that graduates arrive on time to check in. Be sure to bring your regalia. Check-in is located in the Avrum Gudelsky Auditorium. Once you have checked in, you must remain in the auditorium. During check-in you will receive your name card used to announce you on stage. Please verify your information is correct on this card. Do not lose this card. You will hand it to the stage staff as you step on-stage during commencement.
  • Processional Preparation: 8:30 a.m. This time will be used to ensure your cap, gown and hood are fitted properly.
  • Roll Call and Lineup: 9:30 a.m. This will occur in the auditorium. Weather permitting, the lineup will be outside of the building. You will be lined up alphabetically by degree program.
  • Processional Begins: 9:45 a.m. The university marshal will lead the processional followed by the stage guests, trustees, faculty, candidates for undergraduate degrees, master's degrees and doctoral degrees, to the commencement tent. For the recessional back to the front of the university, the stage participants will exit first, and the graduates will follow them.

Special Accommodations

Students requiring special assistance at commencement should email deanofstudents@captechu.edu or call the Dean of Students at 240-965-2497 as soon as possible.

Commencement Live Stream Video

For graduates and their families unable to attend the ceremony, it will be broadcast live online. Stream the ceremony live or watch it later at https://www.youtube.com/c/capitoltechnologyuniversity

Directions to Campus

Our Visit Campus page has information regarding driving directions, maps, and airports.

Local Lodging Options

For your convenience, contact information for local hotels in Laurel and the surrounding area is listed here.

Please note that all information found on this page is tentative and may be subject to change.